Plymouth Carpet Service Blog: Carpet Care and Maintenance Tips

Why Carpet Cleaning in the Summer Makes Sense
Summer is a busy time for most people, especially for families with school-aged children. Most...

Top Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Carpet
Spring is here and now is the time to dust off the windowsills and clean out the winter doldrums....

Tips for Keeping Your Carpet Clean This Winter
Winter is here! That means you and your family will spend much more time inside. More time inside...

Quick Tips on How to Clean and Dry Carpet in Winter
Have you looked at your carpets and thought they really need a good cleaning? Then you thought,...

How Dirty Carpets Affect People With Allergies
There is no doubt that home safety is a very crucial part of our daily lives. While most people...

Keeping Your Carpet Clean With Pets
We love our pets, they’re a part of our family and we couldn’t imagine our lives...

When is the Best Time of the Year to Get My Carpets Cleaned?
To extend the life and appearance of your carpet, it is recommended to have your carpets...

How Can I Keep My Carpet Clean After Having It Professionally Cleaned?
Households that have pets, or little ones, or both, can quickly show the signs of wear and tear....