Plymouth Carpet Service Blog: Carpet Care and Maintenance Tips

The Differences Between Area Rugs and Carpeting
What do you walk on in your home?
Do you have hardwood, tile, linoleum, rugs, or carpeting in...

Cleaning Prep for Hosting Your Thanksgiving Day Event
Thanksgiving is coming up!
With the holiday comes all the fun festivities! This year may look...

Fall Cleaning Checklist: Deep Cleaning After Summer
Check out our ultimate fall cleaning checklist or contact Plymouth Carpet Service now to schedule professional carpet cleaning services and other commercial cleaning services.

5 Tips to Get Rid of a Smoky Smell from Your Home
Smells have an immediate effect on our minds. They can trigger emotions or memories. A strong...

Coronavirus Cleaning Services: Vacant Buildings, Rental Properties, Homes, and More!
There have been many changes in 2020. No one could have planned for the state of life to be as it...

3 Health Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning
Keeping your family healthy and safe is one of the top priorities of a home. The health benefits of...

Why You Should Get Professional Carpet Cleaning This Winter
Motivating yourself to do chores can be tough. When those chores lead to a healthier home, they...

How to Get Dog Urine Out of Your Carpet
Stains are one of the biggest hassles of having carpeting or an area rug in your home. Making sure...